Engage and participate in mental health for the National Mental Health Commission

July 13th, 2017

beyondblue believes that all people with a mental health condition, and their family and friends, should have a say in decisions which affect them. beyondblue incorporates the experiences and expertise of people who have a personal experience of anxiety, depression or suicide, or support someone who does, in all of our work. Our blueVoices reference group members share their perspectives to inform our work and ensure people’s experiences are reflected accurately in everything we do.

It is important that all mental health policies and services are designed with people’s needs at their heart, which is why the National Mental Health Commission (NMHC) is currently conducting the ‘Engage and Participate in Mental Health’ project. The NMHC is aiming to better understand and develop a national view of how people with personal experience of mental health conditions, and their family and friends, engage and participate in mental health policy, practice and research.

This is an important opportunity for you to have your say about how you’d like be included and involved in decisions that impact you.

You can be involved by:

More information about the project, and how you can participate, is available on the National Mental Health Commission website.
