When your business has good cash flow it runs efficiently. However, quite often businesses lack this cash flow when customers, clients and patients, for example, are owing them money, whether this is in relation to a contractual dispute or one over an invoice.

Bloxham Legal act for parties seeking to recover debts owed to them. Our aim is to try and keep the matter out of Court by careful negotiations, starting with a letter of demand, and sometimes followed by a conference between the parties.

However, on occasions the matter has to go to Court. When it involves the Court, quite often it is the Magistrates Court (but may be the District Court or Supreme Court) that your business will need to make an appearance in to recover debt. If this is the case, Bloxham Legal have the skills and expertise to assist with, amongst other things:

  • General procedure claims
  • Minor case claims
  • Pre-trial conferences
  • Summary Judgments
  • Enforcing Judgments
  • Mediation
  • Trials
  • Means Enquiries
  • Suspension Orders
  • Search and sale

Please contact us on 9221 5815 for initial free legal advice to discuss your matter.